80s recordings thought lost in a flood
Chords and Candies, the first of a number of tracks from The Amber Quills, has been restored and finished 40 years on. And now it’s released as a single for the first time.
Download here for free. Or buy the limited-edition 12” vinyl with bonus versions.

Free Digital Download
Download Chords and Candies now.
You can donate to say thanks for the music, if you wish. Or you can give to the brilliant music therapy charity, Nordoff Robbins.
12’’ vinyl with bonus versions
The limited-edition 12” vinyl has 2 bonus versions of Chords and Candies, not currently available anywhere else. Buy one 12” vinyl for £17.50 or two for £30. Free P&P, UK only.
Nordoff Robbins will benefit from every copy sold.

82 copies hidden across the UK
To celebrate the launch of Chords and Candies, 82 special copies of the 12” vinyl pressing have been hidden in various locations across the UK. Many have been secreted in charity shops.
It’s possible there is one near you. If you’re lucky enough to find one, we’d love to know. So, get in touch. Especially if you find one of the four white label copies.
Watch the Chords and Candies video